端午佳節即將到來, 桃園吊車-永盛機械起重工程 Alex Crane&Truck Service 在這邊先祝各位親愛的好友們佳節愉快,享受粽子的美味。
Dragon Boat Festival is coming up very soon. Alex Crane&Truck wishes every a great long weekend and enjoy the tasty rice dumplings.
Besides, we also present you the video when we collaborated with Taoyuan city government on testing the dragon boats. Let's get ready for some dragon boat festival competition!!!
Alex Crane&Truck, BETTER THAN EVER!"
連絡電話: (03) 323-3324; 0966-532-697
官方網頁: http://www.alexcraneandtruck.com
Email: alexcraneandtruck@gmail.com